My Top 10 35mm Film Stocks

Hello, film fans! I'm excited to share my experiences and favorite 35mm film stocks with you today. Each film stock has a unique character, tone, and feel that set them apart, and I've loved exploring them all. Here's my personal top 10 list:

1. Cinestill 800T: This film stock is a wonder in the world of film photography. A modified motion picture film stock that's available for 35mm cameras, Cinestill 800T is known for its cinematic look and outstanding low light performance. The halation effect it creates around bright lights is simply breathtaking and gives each shot a unique aesthetic.

2. Kodak Portra 400: A classic and widely adored, the Kodak Portra 400 is a versatile film stock that's perfect for capturing natural, vibrant colors. It's especially good for portraits thanks to its excellent skin tone reproduction. The great latitude it offers is a huge benefit, allowing for overexposure without losing detail.

3. Kodak Tmax 400: When it comes to high-quality black and white photography, Kodak Tmax 400 is an impressive choice. It delivers rich tones, sharpness, and fine grain, making it a perfect choice for a variety of scenarios from landscapes to portraits.

4. Ilford HP5 Plus: Another top choice for black and white photography, Ilford HP5 Plus offers generous latitude and a beautiful grain structure. This timeless aesthetic makes it a go-to for street photography and documentary work.

5. Cinestill 400D: Cinestill does it again with the 400D. This film stock is daylight balanced and offers excellent color reproduction and sharpness. It’s perfect for outdoor shooting, providing images with a cinematic quality that’s hard to match.

6. Fujifilm Superia 400: Fujifilm Superia 400 is known for its slightly muted, vintage vibe. The way it renders colors creates a nostalgic touch that's hard not to love. It's a versatile film stock, performing well in both daylight and low-light scenarios.

7. Kodak Portra 800: Portra 800 takes everything we love about Portra 400 but gives you more speed for working in lower light or for capturing fast action. It maintains excellent color reproduction and fine grain, making it a flexible and high-quality choice for various shooting conditions.

8. Kodak Gold 200: This film stock is a budget-friendly option that delivers warm, vibrant colors, especially in sunlight. Kodak Gold 200 is a popular choice for outdoor photography, offering a classic look and feel that many photographers appreciate.

9. Kodak Professional T-Max 3200: Need to shoot in low light conditions? The Kodak Professional T-Max 3200 is a high-speed black and white film that's up to the task. It has a pronounced grain and contrast, which can create striking, memorable images, even in challenging lighting scenarios.

10. Cinestill BWXX: Rounding out the list is Cinestill BWXX, a black and white film stock that offers a classic, cinematic look. It's a high-speed film stock that provides a rich tonal range, making it a great choice for a wide array of subjects and lighting conditions.

Each of these film stocks has offered me a unique perspective, a different lens through which to view the world. The grain, contrast, color, and even the limitations of each have allowed me to capture moments in ways that digital simply can't replicate.

Remember, there's no "best" film, only the right film for the

moment, the scene, and your artistic vision. So, load up your camera, pick a film, and let your creativity take flight. Each frame is a new opportunity to see the world in a different light.

Happy shooting!


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