A Personal Note on My New Book, "30 At 33"

I'm excited to share my new book with you, "30 At 33". Writing it has been a journey of reflection on my own life and the challenges that come with turning 33. In this book, I wanted to capture the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

What You Can Expect:

  1. Honest Insights: I wrote "30 At 33" with the intention of being as honest as possible about navigating adulthood. There's no sugar-coating—just a straightforward exploration of what it’s like to find your way through career shifts, personal challenges, and life transitions.

  2. Relatable Stories: These stories reflect some of my own struggles and triumphs while trying to figure things out. Hopefully, you'll find some shared experiences that will resonate with you.

  3. A Sense of Humor: Life is tough, but it's important to find humor in the journey. You'll find some lighthearted moments throughout the book because I believe laughter can make the journey a little easier.

If you're looking for a book that's relatable and real, "30 At 33" is for you. It’s my way of sharing what I've learned and how I'm still learning every day.

Grab your copy here


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